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Jatropha Use as Biodiesel

Jatropha is used for many years as an essential source of fuel though it not well-known biodiesel as palm or soy oil. In recent years Jatropha oil is used as a biodiesel. The Jatropha plant is also grown for other purposes like watershed protection, environmental restoration, etc. The Jatropha tree can grow without irrigation in the dry conditions where biodiesel crops find it challenging to survive. The yield of the Jatropha plant is also higher than any other biodiesel crop.

The seeds of the Jatropha are crushed, and the resulting oil is used to prepare the biodiesel. This high-quality biodiesel is used for car engines. And the residue that remains after the oil extraction is also used as a biomass feedstock to produce electricity and fertilizers.

The Jatropha plant can yield four times higher than the other biodiesel crops. So a hectare of Jatropha seeds can produce 1,892 liters of biodiesel.

(edited 2-Dec-2019)

Jatropha as biodiesel

Jatropha oil is also a kind of vegetable oil that is produced from the seeds of Jatropha that can grow in marginal and common lands. This Jatropha oil can be used as a renewable source like biodiesel.

First we have to know what biodiesel is?

Biodiesel is a renewable fuel that can be made from vegetable oil, animal fats and even used cooking oil.

Apart from using biodiesel as an alternative fuel, it also has many  advantages.

As the concept of biodiesel grows, it is essential to know more about the process and cost of the biodiesel fuel. So to have a brief ideal refer to the pages:

Process of biodiesel

Cost of biodiesel

So using Jatropha oil as biodiesel has many advantages. It is an alternative and renewable source of energy, and the biodiesel is free from sulfur. Using biodiesel reduces pollution. The amount of components present in petroleum is reduced to half in the biodiesel.

(edited 2-Dec-2019; 09. Feb 2020, mh)

What is biodiesel?

Biodiesel is an alternative fuel resource that can be prepared from vegetable oil, animal fats, and wasted cooking oils. The process of converting the oils to biodiesel is called transesterification. Crops such as palm, soybean, rapeseed, etc. are the most significant source for producing oil that is used for biofuel production.

Mostly waste vegetable oil is used for producing biodiesel. This vegetable oil comes from restaurants, chip shops, food-producing industries, etc. But the oil that is got straight from the oil industry has great potential; it is not used commercially because the price of these raw oils is costly. Product developed from this oil is also too expensive to compete with the diesel prepared with fossil materials.

This biodiesel can be used as an alternative to petroleum as it a renewable resource. Biodiesel produced from these oils causes less pollution than petroleum. Jatropha biodiesel can be used in combination with either petroleum oil or heating oil and also can be used alone. In combination with petroleum, the standard mix is 20/80 i.e., 20% of biodiesel and 80% of petroleum. The use of biodiesel in the engines requires only a little or no modification.

Biodiesel is now used as a diesel engine in the number of agencies. The results are said to be comparable with petroleum in all areas like power, efficiency, climbing, hauling, etc.

Like other conventional diesel at freezing temperatures, biodiesel also will cloud and form a gel. The recommendation for the vehicle that uses the biodiesel is the same as the others. Park them in the shelter, you can use fuel heater if necessary or can mix with diesel.

Things to be aware of biodiesel

  • In the cold season, it should be handled carefully.
  • It has vaguely few energy contents than diesel fuel.
  • Tries to weaken as non-synthetic or natural rubber in the parts of the fuel system.
  • There might be a higher level of nitrogen oxides emission depending on the state of engine tune.

Handling and Safety

Biodiesel is four times eco-friendly than petroleum. And it is also non-toxic. It will not suddenly catch fire under normal conditions since it has a high flashpoint. The odor of this biodiesel is too mild and pleasant.

(edited 2-Dec-2019)

Advantages of biodiesel

Replacing petroleum, biodiesel has many advantages and limitations. Biodiesel has many significant benefits over it.

Here is the list of environmental benefits of biodiesel:

  • Biodiesel is a carbon-neutral one. It means that it does not emit any carbon gases in the form of carbon dioxide.
  • Biodiesel production is highly a biodegradable process.
  • It is non-toxic.
  • Biodiesel has a higher flash point than any other diesel.
  • Biodiesel is a renewable form of energy source.
  • It is also economical.
  • It is less polluting than petroleum products since it produces less particulate matters like carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and unburned hydrocarbon.
  • The life of catalytic converters increases if the biodiesel 100% free from sulfur is used.
  • Biodiesel can be used in combination with others like heating oil etc.
  • Biodiesel can be used in the existing oil heating system and diesel engines with little or no modification.
  • It gives the same energy level per gallon like the petroleum diesel.
  • The lifetime of the engines is extended due to the lubricating effect of biodiesel.

Though biodiesel has a lot of advantages over the existing one, there are also some disadvantages concerning it.

(edited 2-Dec-2019)

Disadvantages of biodiesel

Here is the list of environmental disadvantages of biodiesel:

  • The cost of biodiesel is one and a half times expensive than the existing petroleum diesel.
  • It requires a lot of energy to produce biodiesel from soybeans. It includes the power of sowing, fertilizing, and harvesting.
  • In some cases, it can damage the rubber hoses in the engines, especially in the cars that were built before 1994.
  • Biodiesel can clean the dirt from the filter, but these can get clogged in the fuel filter. Usually happens when biodiesel is used in the engine that has been using petroleum diesel for a long time.

(edited 2-Dec-2019)

Biodiesel Process of Jatropha

Transesterification is the process of converting the oil produced from vegetables into biodiesel. The process is less complicated, and it is quite easy. Transesterification is a chemical-based production of biodiesel from Jatropha oil.

In this process, a complex fatty acid like triglyceride molecule is taken and it is neutralized. The glycerin is removed, and an alcohol ester is created. This process is completed when methanol is mixed with sodium hydroxide, which results in the production of sodium methoxide, which is then mixed with oil produced from the Jatropha seeds. When the mixture settles, glycerin is left at the bottom, and the biodiesel (methyl esters) remains on the top. This methyl ester is washed and then filtered.

For a more precise understanding of biodiesel extraction from the Jatropha seeds see the Biodiesel Extraction chart

Transesterification Biodiesel Process

Raw materials required

  • Jatropha oil
  • Methanol
  • Potassium hydroxide
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Distilled water
  • Phenolphthalein solution
  • Vinegar
  • Water

Manufacturing Process

  • First, Jatropha oil is filtered to remove the solid particles present in it. Then it is heated to remove the water contents if present in it.
  • Biodiesel is now used as a diesel engine in the number of agencies. The results are said to be comparable with petroleum in all areas like power, efficiency, climbing, hauling, etc.
  • To determine the amount of catalyst that is required.
  • The right amount of potassium hydroxide is mixed with methanol until the methanol completely dissolves to get potassium methoxide.
  • In the winter season, additional Jatropha oil is heated and is mixed with the potassium methoxide.
  • The mixture is allowed to settle. In this process, glycerin settles at the bottom and the biodiesel at the top. The glycerin is then removed, and the biodiesel is washed and dried.
  • The biodiesel obtained is then checked for quality.


In this process, when methanol and potassium hydroxide produces potassium methoxide, which, when mixed with oil, creates a strong polar bond. This breaks the fatty acids into glycerin and biodiesel (esters). These esters later become methyl esters. When the KOH is treated with ethanol, it will form ethyl esters.

(edited 2-Dec-2019)

Jatropha Biodiesel Cost

It is difficult to estimate the cost and returns of Jatropha plantation and yield. The value and profit are involved in all the stages of growing Jatropha. And it also depends on the different plant products and the tangible methods for them. Here is a list of the cost that is essential in the economic analysis of Jatropha cultivation.

In the cultivation stage

  • Planting cost
  • Nursing cost
  • Organization cost
  • Miscellaneous cost


  • Pruning
  • Pole production
  • Thinning
  • Felling
  • Storage cost
  • Firewood production
  • Transport cost
  • Charcoal production


  • Collecting cost
  • Removal of flesh cost
  • Storage of products like oil, cake, shells, flesh cost
  • Transport cost
  • Extraction of oil cost
  • Production of charcoal cost from shells
  • Miscellaneous cost

Capital and labor cost

  • Building cost
  • Machinery and equipment cost
  • Labor cost

Price of Jatropha Seeds

Entrepreneurs all over the world face little difficulty with the popularization of Jatropha as a budding source for biofuel. This is the main reason for the price rise of Jatropha seeds.

Price of Jatropha Oil

Another essential component of Jatropha cost is the price of Jatropha. At present, one liter of Jatropha oil costs $1.50, and it is expected that the price of oil will go down in the next ten years.

Factors that influence the cost of Jatropha seeds and oil

The cost of the Jatropha seeds varies depending on the variety of seeds. The cost of the seeds changes from one type to another. Correspondingly the quality and quantity of the seeds also vary, thus affecting its value.

As per the current ration, the cost of the seeds is quite low then the cost of the Jatropha oil. Jatropha plantation and product prices are now coming into consideration since the growing demand of Jatropha oil as a biofuel. This not only affects and increases the cost of Jatropha oil but also its end products.

(edited 2-Dec-2019)

Greenhouse gases

Greenhouse gases cause global warming

Jatropha can offset 8kg of CO2 a year

Greenhouse gases are a group of gaseous substances that create a so-called greenhouse effect in the atmosphere. This effect results from the fact that certain gases prevent infrared radiation from escaping into the atmosphere and thus increasing the temperature of the earth.

The most relevant greenhouse gases are:

  • Water (in its gaseous state, H20)
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2)
  • Methane (CH4)
  • Nitrous oxide (N2O)
  • Ozone (O3)
  • Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)
  • Hydro fluorocarbons (HFC)
  • Perflurocarbons (PFC)

Jatropha impact on greenhouse gases

A single Jatropha tree can absorb 8 kg of carbon dioxide every year. The biodiesel produced from the Jatropha oil helps in 3.2 kg reduction of CO2 emission per liter. The biomass produced after the remains of the oil extraction also helps in the reduction of CO2 based on the amount of electricity generated.

The biofuel produced from Jatropha results in 1.2% of fuel savings. The scientist also reveals that a decrease in the use of fuel will decrease the amount of CO2 emission. The biofuel from Jatropha can be used with a 50/50 blend with jet fuel.

Jatropha biodiesel has a significant adverse effect on greenhouse gases. They tend to balance the ecosystem. The destruction of the forest has also led to an increase in the emission of CO2. Jatropha plant can grow on wastelands with little irrigation, and the plant absorbs more CO2 gases so that planting Jatropha will decrease the emission of greenhouse gases.

(edited 2-Dec-2019)

Renewable energy

The biodiesel producers aim to generate a renewable energy source since it is clear that the fossil resources are limited and supply only ample resources in an ever-increasing risk.

The world now is focusing on renewable energy sources, since oil production is now decreasing in all the reserves. Though the production and availability of the oil are declining, there is an increasing demand for it. So the world now has changed its view on biofuel, due to the growing demand for energy consumption, especially in transport.

Since food production and transport services mainly depend on the biodiesel engines in which the biodiesel plays a significant role. The energy security urges that the future generation must live in a bio-energy world.

At the same time, in the middle of severing the global financial crisis and increasing demand for biofuel, it is also essential to look for an inventive solution for climate change. The renewable energy must lead the developing and developed countries in reducing emissions of poisonous gases.

Such an approach can be obtained by using the biofuel produced by the Jatropha oil. The use of Jatropha biodiesel can support economic recovery and also have a mitigating impact on climate change. The biodiesel produced from the Jatropha seeds is low carbon emission, thus helping the government to avoid dangerous climate change.

With the decrease in oil prices, investing in green technologies is not an easy task. But there is still growing support from the side of the business and the government for investing in renewable energy like Jatropha, which has a low carbon development path.

(edited 2-Dec-2019)

Sustainable Investment

Jatropha has the potential to provide sustainable biofuel to the globe, which is very eagerly looking forward. But the only companies that are investing in Jatropha are the tiny oversea outfits and national energy firms.

At the same time, the sustainable investment that the world is facing today is the better source for biofuel. The main drawbacks of the biofuel prepared from corn are price, growing condition, and the competition as a food crop.

But Jatropha, on the other hand, is very cheap. Jatropha can be quickly grown in all the places, and it is also an easy procedure to convert the Jatropha oil into biofuel. And the main advantage of this plant is that it does not compete with any food crops and can also be grown as a live fence.

The Jatropha plant can be grown widely in the tropical regions. The Jatropha plant, once cultivated, can yield for many years. Little irrigation is required, and without proper watering, the plant can survive for many months.

There are hundreds of thousands of uncultivated land. And these lands are mainly found in the areas where the population that leads a hopeless life. So investing in Jatropha has sustainable development and also a bright future for desperate people in the world. So sustainable investment on Jatropha can be economical and bio-environmental.

The biodiesel taken from the Jatropha oil has properties that are similar to biofuels obtained from other oilseeds. The Jatropha biofuels are also characterized by the fact that it has balance CO2, which helps in protecting the world from rapid climate change.

(edited 2-Dec-2019)